Walkie-Talkie #6 : Souwaiba Ibrahim
Meet Souwaiba Ibrahim, lawyer and intersectional feminist from Niger! Walking the Talk consortium is proudly working with six exceptional feminists from all over the world – aka our t...
Equipop acts as close as possible to the territories through a solid partnership with local actors and actresses up to the highest level of international decision-making to fight against gender inequalities. Equipop promotes feminist values and places the gender approach at the heart of its interventions.
dynamics of social change as close as possible to populations.
influencing actors to create a more favorable institutional and legal environment.
development partners by strengthening their intervention capacities.
On arrive ! Et vous ?
Equipop est heureuse d'être partenaire du Festival @menstrueslibres pour déconstruire les idées reçues sur les règles et porter un plaidoyer féministe contre la précarité menstruelle ✊✊✊
#MenstrualHygieneDay #MHDay2023 #JMHM
cc @yao_ama twitter.com/menstrueslibre…
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Meet Souwaiba Ibrahim, lawyer and intersectional feminist from Niger! Walking the Talk consortium is proudly working with six exceptional feminists from all over the world – aka our t...
Meet Kirthi Jayakumar, feminist advocate from India! Walking the Talk consortium is proudly working with six exceptional feminists from all over the world – aka our team of ‘Walkie-Tal...
Meet Dinorah Arceta, social justice advocate from Mexico dedicated to promoting gender equality! Walking the Talk consortium is proudly working with six exceptional feminists from all over the...
Meet Foteini Papagioti, Greek feminist based in the US, working to promote global gender equality! Walking the Talk consortium is proudly working with six exceptional feminists from all over t...
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