
– Come and take part in the “Our feminist futures” event at the Summit of the Future 2024

Equipop is cordially inviting you to take part in the side event “Our feminist futures”, to be held in New York on September 20, 2024 as part of the Summit of the Future. Organized on the first day of the “Action Days”, this event will highlight the demands of young people and feminists in West Africa to contribute to the post-2030 global agenda. A unique opportunity to share transformative solutions, and strengthen the meaningful participation of young people in decision-making processes.READ MORE

Moving Commitments to Action: Gender Data as a Cornerstone of Feminist Foreign Policy

Since Sweden announced the world’s first feminist foreign policy (FFP) in 2014, the momentum has grown, with fifteen countries committing to FFPs by June 2024. Despite this, gender data remains overlooked in many FFP discussions and policies, hindering governments’ abilities to measure progress, ensure accountability, and make informed decisions. Integrating gender data into FFP frameworks is essential for identifying and addressing inequalities and for effective monitoring.READ MORE

– Walking the Talk

Walking the Talk wants to boost the adoption and implementation of Feminist Foreign Policies and gender equality in Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the European Union. In other words, inclusive foreign policies that champion gender equality and reflect the voices of women and LGBTIQ+ people from the Global South.


To achieve this, the program advocates for an increase in Official Development Assistance (ODA) dedicated to gender equality and women’s rights, especially funding for progressive, intersectional feminist organizations in the Global South.

– Press Release – G7 – Women’s rights: France has not met all expectations

Press release
Biarritz, 27 aout 2019

This G7 was the opportunity for the French President Emmanuel Macron to translate his commitment to make gender equality a great global cause into action. Multiple financial commitments were taken, but the Women 7 (W7) feminist associations believe that French Presidency has not met all expectations. France failed to embody a feminist diplomacy within this G7 and several key gender equality issues did not make it into the G7 leaders’ agenda.