July 2024

– Meet our Walkie-Talkies: Champions of Feminist Foreign Policy

Walking the Talk consortium is proud to present our team of ‘walkie-talkies’, aka six exceptional feminist from all over the world. These experts bring unique perspectives and invaluable experience to our mission of promoting Feminist Foreign Policies (FFPs) and gender equality in Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the European Union.


Moving Commitments to Action: Gender Data as a Cornerstone of Feminist Foreign Policy

Since Sweden announced the world’s first feminist foreign policy (FFP) in 2014, the momentum has grown, with fifteen countries committing to FFPs by June 2024. Despite this, gender data remains overlooked in many FFP discussions and policies, hindering governments’ abilities to measure progress, ensure accountability, and make informed decisions. Integrating gender data into FFP frameworks is essential for identifying and addressing inequalities and for effective monitoring.READ MORE