December 2024

– Mobilization in the European Parliament: How to Build a Feminist Europe? The challenges posed by the far right in the wake of the European elections

On Tuesday, December 10, 2024, to mark International Human Rights Day, Equipop co-organized, in collaboration with MEP Mélissa Camara, a launch event at the European Parliament to present its new report, “How to Build a Feminist Europe? The challenges posed by the far right in the wake of the European elections”. This report, written by Equipop in cooperation with the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Paris association, serves as the second part of a study titled, “Quand l’extrême droite avance, les droits de femmes reculent”. It provides an overview of the European Union’s post-election landscape, focusing on the rise of far-right parties, their strategies, and their impact on the rights of women and LGBTQIA+ individuals.


_Looking Back at the Summit of the Future 2024: Advocating for Inclusive and Feminist Global Governance !

The Summit of the Future 2024, held in New York on September 22 to 23, brought together world leaders who adopted the Pact for the Future. While considered overly ambitious by some and insufficiently progressive by others, this thirty-page document “reaffirms the commitment of Member States to the 2030 Agenda and the building of a more inclusive and prosperous world”, addressing issues such as climate change, gender equality, peacekeeping, artificial intelligence, and international finance.READ MORE